Clip raster by mask layer


This tool clips a raster file with polygon limits. The output file is a raster.


In the Processing Toolbox panel, search for 'clip raster by mask layer'.

How to clip a raster by a mask layer

  1. Select the input raster to be clipped

  2. Select the layer that contains the mask (polygons)

  3. Confirm the coordinate system of the input raster

  4. Set the coordinate system of the output raster

  5. Activate this box (assign the extent of the mask layer to the output raster)

  6. Activate this box (keep the same resolution than the input raster)

  7. Click on « Save to file » (see below) to export in TIF format

ProcédureSave the output to a new file

  1. Select the drive and the folder that will host the output folder

  2. Select the file type (SHP for vector, TIFF for raster)

  3. Give a name to the output file